10 Questions with: Ardt

January 26, 2023
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I mean I think it's quite funny that my own tracks have been played in clubs before I myself even was allowed to legally go clubbing.

Ardt is our newest addition to the Flux family and we are so excited to share with you his first ever release coming up - PCTV. An EP filled with hypnotizing groove that will be released on the label 27th of January. This release has been talked about for a long time and finally we are here!

1. Congrats on your first upcoming release! How did you conceive the idea about your first EP?

Thank you so much! I've always been a huge music fan in general so after getting my hands on a DAW and starting to work some ideas out myself, the urge of having my own piece of work out there just grew over time. I started sending out some demos of mine and eventually got lucky.

2. How would you describe your creative process of composing this EP? 

While some tracks are the result of hours of experimentation, like SLAM for example, others, like 19 or Flackern, were born out of certain rhythms, chords or feelings that I had in mind. So I'd say it's probably a pretty even balance between specific ideas I had and my love for just tweaking knobs and trying stuff out.

3. When producing music, do you use mostly hardware, or software, or a combination of both? Do you have any favorite gear at the moment?

It's definitely a combination of both. While I find the whole DAW-less way of producing to be very interesting and captivating, I personally think Ableton and Co. are pretty useful tools for things like sequencing or arranging. My own favorite piece of gear right now is the Arturia Drumbrute Impact - a drum machine with lots of character I could play with forever!

4. You have just turned 18, that’s impressive considering you are already releasing your first EP! What are your thoughts on this and what is your goals at this moment?

Again, thank you very much! I mean I think it's quite funny that my own tracks have been played in clubs before I myself even was allowed to legally go clubbing. But other than that I feel very very welcome in the scene and at the end of the day I think it's the music that should speak for itself. My goals right now are honestly just to make more music, get better at it and to hopefully play some more gigs.

5. How is it to be at high school knowing people in Norway and around the world will listen to your music?

It's a weird but great feeling and I feel absolutely honored! Sometimes the route certain things take is very strange but I really like where things are going.

6. Who or what introduced you to electronic music and what makes this genre interesting to you?

My mother already showed me electronic inspired bands like The Prodigy at a young age as well as a huge variety of other genres so me exploring almost every single one of them was just a matter of time. At first it was people like Aphex Twin and Gesaffelstein actually but in terms of techno, my introductions were people like Temudo, Jeff Mills and Setaoc Mass - and I still love all of them!

7. Which other themes, interests or activities would you say have inspired you to make music?

I'd say my general interest in arts, especially in literature, fashion and movies, had a huge impact on my passion for music and sound.

8. You live in Stuttgart, Germany. How is the techno- and electronic music scene there?

As mentioned before, my age really made me start to get into the scene just now so I'm still a little inexperienced. However, there certainly are some great clubs like Lehmann and White Noise out here, as well as many great labels, like Mutual Rytm, and collectives, like Kollektiv Gigi.

9. If you could have the record collection of one specific artist, who would it be?

I think I would go with Freddy K - his vinyl collection is unbeatable!

10. As of now, what do you look most forward to this year? Do you have any upcoming plans you would like to share with us?

Well, of course I'm really looking forward to the release of my EP and I'm definitely looking forward to creating more music as well. 2023 is also the year I'm going to finish school so I hope I'll thus be able to focus even more on my work as a producer and I might even branch out into other genres as well.